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206.Know that there are vulgar people everywhere

Know that there are vulgar people everywhere, even in Corinth itself, even in the highest families. Every one may try the experiment within his own gates. But there is also such a thing as vulgar opposition to vulgarity, which is worse. This special kind shares all the qualities of the common kind, just as bits of a broken glass: but this kind is still more pernicious; it speaks for blames impertinently, is a disciple of ignorance, a patron of folly, and past master of scandal. You need not notice what it says, still less what it thinks. It is important to know vulgarity in order to avoid it, whether it is subjective or objective. For all folly is vulgarity, and the vulgar consist of fools.

(1) 指科林斯湾内伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北希腊南部的一个城市,在公元前7和6世纪是一个富裕的海上强国,以文化和教育扬名。